DataPlas offers an extensive range of services, each specifically designed for our clients' diverse needs:

Specialized Data Collection for Agencies

Our services cater to the specific data collection needs of agencies, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Consultant and Firm Partnerships

We work closely with consultants and firms, focusing on efficient and effective survey data collection and analysis.

Innovative Data Collection Tools

Leveraging the latest digital tools, we enhance traditional methods for superior accuracy and efficiency in data collection.

Tablet Leasing for Fieldwork

Recognizing the needs of modern fieldwork, we provide tablets for lease, ensuring our teams are equipped with the best tools for data collection

Flexible Methodologies

Our use of methodologies like CAPI, CAWI, and CATI is adaptable to meet the unique requirements of different projects.

Expert Research, Transcribing, and Coding

Our team is proficient in qualitative and quantitative research. We also offer transcribing and coding services for qualitative studies, ensuring thorough and accurate analysis of data.